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나의 이야기

Saturday, May 11 (Wind and Rainy)

by 줄리j 2024. 5. 11.

It's been windy since morning. On a day like this, I don't want to go out and stay still in bed. I ate too much rice and meat last night, so I couldn't digest it. So I ate breakfast a little late. At 9 o'clock, I went to the kitchen and rolled rice in seaweed soup and ate it with green onion kimchi. I ate two bowls of seaweed soup. Oh, I'm full~ And I think I'm getting stressed out, so I ate all the ice cream and a bag of snacks. I was lying on my bed and looked at my cell phone. When I looked out the window, huge winds and dark clouds were coming. Lying around~ Turn on the electric pad and roll around warm under the blanket~ I'm sleepy. I decided not to eat lunch. I went to the mart at 2:30 p.m. It was raining a lot already. People who went out without umbrellas and students riding bicycles were on their way to the rain. I went to the mart and bought yogurt and a new protein drink. The protein drink is good~ I baked steamed eggs and steak with vegetables for dinner at 5:30 p.m. Also, I'm so full~ I put the bowl in the dishwasher and fold the laundry. I want to eat ice cream again. I want to keep eating sweet today.


'나의 이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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