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나의 이야기

Tuesday, May 14 (Sunny)

by 줄리j 2024. 5. 14.

When I woke up, it was 5:30 pm. I drank barley tea first for breakfast and put rice in bean sprout soup. I went to the bathroom and washed my face while rolling around in bed to digest. And I also washed my hair. Increasingly, the hot season has come to dry my hair with a dryer. I want to cut my hair short. I went out at 10 pm. It was too hot today. I heard that tomorrow will rain, but it keeps raining every holiday. I hate bugs, but whenever I walk around, there are so many bugs in the wind. I bought an iced cafe latte and drank it with bananas. I was sleepy on my way home and took a nap. I woke up and drank sotteok and yogurt. I feel proud because the carnation flower I bought on Parents' Day said good night. I was so full that I could not eat dinner. Today was a normal day, too. I hope tomorrow is a normal and warm day. My heart is also... I should go to the library and read a book tomorrow. The content of the book I am reading now is so poor...


'나의 이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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