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나의 이야기

Thursday, May 9 (Sunny)

by 줄리j 2024. 5. 9.

I woke up at 5:10 and ate breakfast. Today's breakfast is croissant and warm barley tea that I bought yesterday. While eating bread, I feel strangely sleepy today. I was lying in bed because I was full, and at 6 o'clock, the bathroom washed my face, brushed my teeth, and washed my hair. After washing my hair, I came to my senses and ran away. At 9 o'clock in the morning, I had a video call with my nephew who lives in the United States. I am proud that he is good at school and adjusting well. I left home after cleaning the house. The weather is so nice that I naturally feel better. My back has been hurting since yesterday, but I still walk today. I arrived at the library around 11 o'clock and read the uncomfortable convenience store 2. Reading a book hurts my eyes. Even if I want to read more, I can't... I went back home at 12 o'clock. I crossed the stonewall road and saw small fish. After I came home, I ate seaweed soup and lunch. Maybe because it's spring, I feel so sleepy when I eat. I woke up after a nap for about an hour and drank York root because I was thirsty. I'm not going to eat dinner, but I smell delicious... I'm looking forward to tomorrow, too.


'나의 이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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